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SciGirl is a non profit website created by a group of students designed to encourage young females to be more involved in physics. The website is aimed at GCSE students to show young ladies that there is a world of opportunity available in the science industry. The website is still being improved but as it is nearing exam season, the team will be focusing on their studies... However, any feedback that you have about the website is also welcome, so feel free to contact the team (via contact page)  as they will be checking their emails regularly! 


To navigate this website, you can use the interactive beaker above, the menu bar below or use the sitemap shown at the bottom of each page.

What is SciGirl?

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Getting Girls Into Physics. 

Congratulations to Gaggy Kalirai! Logo Competition winner!

CLICK HERE to see all SciGirl News

We have asked the students of St. Anne’s Catholic School and Sixth Form to design a logo for this website. The winning logo designer, Gaggy, will receive an iPod Mini for her winning entry and  her logo will be used on all of our media which will be seen by more than 70,000 people at NEC Birmingham in March 2014!

SciGirl News:


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