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Were you left wondering what all the fuss was about a couple of years ago with the launch of the Large Hadron Collider at CERN? Or did it inspire a curiosity that could see you investigating the world as we know it to infinitesimally detailed level? If so then Particle Physics could be just the course you are looking for. As the study of the constituents of matter and radiation as well as the interaction between them, it can be said that particle physics provides the understanding of the fundamentals of all other science and, in a more general context, an understanding of our existence. With the prospect of the Large Hadron Collider being able to re-create the moment that occurred just a billionth of a second after the Big Bang, there has never been a more exciting time to embark on a course in Particle Physics.


Courses in particle physics tend to divide their time between learning by exploring and/or solving problems and the more traditional notion of acquiring knowledge. Your course could see you exploring notions as vast as cosmology through to the microscopic, such as the accelerated collision of particles. Analytics and free thought are embraced throughout teaching methods with most institutions placing an emphasis on small-group tutorials and individual investigative projects. You may also find yourself pushing the boundaries of technology utilising nanotechnology, photonics and superconductivity. Graduates in particle physics can expect to become highly trained in experimental techniques as well as developing an in-depth understanding of the foundations of physics.Some courses also offer the opportunity for a year studying abroad including a limited number of opportunities to study at CERN as a sandwich year. It is worth investigating your preferred institutions thoroughly to gain a full appreciation of the breadth of opportunities they are able to offer you to make sure you are making the correct choice. This is particularly salient as many institutions offer you the opportunity to study flexibly, incorporating modules from other related courses - if you have a definite idea of the individual areas you wish to study it is worth making sure that all of those areas are covered at your chosen institution before you submit your application.



Career Paths:


Particle Physics...

  • ...teaches you communication skills, high-level research skills and specialist knowledge that can open up a number of career opportunities both outside of the traditional physics sphere as well as within it.

  • ...can lead to careers as a research physicist within an industry, government or university laboratory....can lead to careers within IT, electronic engineering or Scientific journalism.

  • ...can offer a broad range of career pathways such as financial roles such as accounting and merchant banking, etc





UCAS tariff: 260-360 points

BCC-AAAIncluding science subjects (maths+physics)

SAQs - BBBBB to AABBB inc science subjects

“UCAS Tarriff: 260-360 points including science subjects

A-Levels: BCC-AAA including science subjects

SQA Highers: BBBBB-AABBB including science subjects

Irish Leaving Certificates: BBBBBB including science subjects

European Baccalaureate: 70% including science subjects

International Baccalaureate: 28-36 points, including science subjects

Foundation / Access course: 60-65% including science subjects

BTEC: DMM-DDM in a relevant science subjectHND / C: Direct access to year 2

Mature Entry: Mature entrants are actively encouraged and considered on an individual basis

Entry requirements can be relaxed for some mature candidates

Achievements in Mathematics and Physics at all levels are required”



Average salary:


The average salary for particle physics is around £72,312. This is the top 10% range of particle physicists. On average, the median 50% gains around £69,153.

Getting Girls Interested in Physics. 

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