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Getting Girls Interested in Physics.

Winner of the SciGirl Logo Contest!

Congratulations to Gaggy Kalirai!



We have asked the students of St Anne’s Catholic School and Sixth Form to design a logo for this website. The winning logo designer Lydia will recieve an iPod Mini for her winning entry and  her logo will be used on all of our media which will be seen by more than 60,000 people at NEC Birmingham in March 2014!


We would also like to give honorable mention to XXXX for runner up. Many thinks to all girls who submitted designs for a SciGirl logo!

News with SciGirl


Welcome to our News page. Here we will post in "blog" style all of the cool things going on with SciGirl. Bookmark this page as we will be updating it with all things SciGirl frequently. 

Contest Announcement 

2014 Young Photographer in Science 



This is text that you will replace with your news information. Add details of the feature and what to do. Then addd pictitres to the right in a slideshow fasion. Winners will be announced here on our website and will win XXXXXXXXXXXXXX!




Name, age, school, picture and a brief description of your subject.

Good Luck! 

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