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After our research from our focus groups at secondary schools, we found that the lower years didn’t enjoy science because:


  • They didn’t understand it.

  • They didn’t see the point of it.

  • They had never heard of a lot of things in science.


Here at SciGirl we see that the best way to solve these three problems is through visual learning. We have created a few interactive science apps for which you can easily access on any device with Internet connection. These apps focus on helping younger children to develop an interest in science by helping them to see the applications and uses of it.



We hope to publish these applications on the Apple Store, Google Play and Android.


Please email us at: if you believe you can help that become a reality. 



Getting Girls Interested in Physics. 

 Interactive Apps

Electromagnetic Radiation

Coming SOON: See and learn all about the amazing human body. What makes our bodies tick and how we're put together!

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