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Cool Videos all about Science

The Alien Nature of Corn Flour

Using corn flour and sound waves, an alien gloop can be formed. Find out more...

Getting women into science

This video gives us a glimpse into the lives of a research scientist an astronaut and a technologist

Pendulum Wave

Using UV radiation and pendulums, a wave pendulum can form. Find out more...

Water Spiral

Using sound waves and a water stream, a spiral of water can be made. Find out more...

The Strength of Air

Using just a piece of newspaper and the strength of air, a ruler can be broken. Find out more...

"Fun Science" Vlog series from Charlie McDonnall 

Fun Science: Sound

Fun Science: Light

Fun Science: The Moon

Fun Science: Stars

Fun Science: Randomness

Fun Science: Saturn

Ten Amazing Science Stunts

Everyday, fun science experiments that can be done at home with stuff from around the house. 

Getting Girls Interested in Physics. 

Christmas Special - Science of Santa

Join Eric in a festive special where he explains the science of santa, warning first 30seconds contains disturbing footage!

SciGirl Official Trailer 1

Yes it is here! Our trailer for our site has been completed, filmed at Tauntons College by team member Alex Lister! Hope everyone enjoys it.

My Top Five Physics Books 

Eric's top five popular science/ physics books. A very "detailed" and "thorough" review of each one. 

Vlogs from Eric 
Check out some videos from a member of the SciGirl team: Eric!

My Thoughts on Dark Energy - Part 2

Part 2, the sequel to part 1, where I follow up on my speculations about the elusive Dark Energy 

Thoughts on Dark Energy - Part 1

From the mind of our very own Eric. Having an Eric is very useful, they wash your dishes, hoover & come up with some quite interesting speculations!

Micillaneous videos:
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