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Well hello there....


I see you have found our 'about us' page and we are thrilled that you want to know more about us!


We all are at (or were at some point) students of St. Anne's College, Southampton. You can probably guess that we're all quite good chums, and perhaps even look a bit like an unusual family from the picture of us to your right. 


Our personal interests all vary, but we all have one common interest....



It was this interest, and Grace's love of science competitions, that got us to do something more productive with our time, rather than debate about the best sandwich filler or Sandra Bullock movie. 


After much discussion and contemplation, it was decided that we should enter the Big Bang Fair competition.  We eventually decided on a project and thus SciGirl was born! 


So that is our general back story and how SciGirl came into this world. 


If you want to know more about us, please scroll below where we have all written a short paragraph about ourselves as we are currently not famous enough to have our own Wikipedia pages. 

Grace Jansen, CEO:

​I find the field of physics very interesting and have long considered a career in it. I also find biology and chemistry equally interesting and so decided to take them at A-Level as well as physics and maths. In my free time I love playing netball (I play for a local team in Southampton), and often help coach the school's team. My favourite food has got to be chocolate brownies, they are so delicious, and Eric makes the best chocolate brownies ever!! 

About us...

Karen Law, Designer:

 I study STEM subjects at A-level and hope to go into engineering. I find the ideas of physics good, but I prefer being able to see a practical application to them. In my free time I enjoy walking, camping and spending as much time as possible with my friends, and as so I did Duke of Edingburgh last year with Grace, Curtis & Eric - Alex is a year above us, so he couldn't do it with us, which was a shame :/

Eric Saboya, Communicator:

Hello.... I'm the forementioned Eric. So I quite enjoy making Vlogs about physics and stuff, this was suggested as I kept boring people in the common room with maths/ physics, and so the Vlogging began!


I quite enjoy jogging, pub meals, reading books and playing guitar, but what I enjoy most is spending time with my friends. 

Curtis Lieu, Designer:

I study the same subjects as Grace, I find mathematics the most interesting subject as it can be both clear and abstract. Is 0.99999999999999999999 the same as 1? - Short answer: Yes!! I love doing Kung Fu, playing piano and my favourite food is, of course, noodles. 

Alex Lister, Marketing:

I have just finished A-levels in biology, chemistry and physics, and I hope to pursue a career in neurosurgery. Although I find physics incrediably interesting I see it more as a hobby rather than career path. In my free time I enjoy bike rides, eating lobster and doing my favourite sport - mixed martial arts!! 

Getting Girls Interested in Physics.

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