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Name of competition:

National Science and Engineering Competition.

If you would like to get involved in this fantastic competition,

then please have a look at the link below or watch the video

for more information...


National Science & Engineering Competition



Age restrictions of participants:


Participants must be aged between 11 and 18 to be able to enter.



Aim of competition:


This is a competition that is held in the UK. It's all about recognising and rewarding young people's achievements in all areas of Science, Technology, Engineeing and Mathmatics (STEM). The competition is split ino two sections, an engineering section and a science section. It  provides young people with the opportunity to develop their skills and confidence in project-basd work and provides the experience of meeting other young people who are interested in science.



Thousands of enthousiastic young people get involoved every year, either as part of a team or by complting an individual project. There are two ways in which you can get involved with this competition, they are:


By displaying your project at your nearest regional fair - there are 12 of these fairs held up and down the country and they all occur in June/July.


By  entering an online application - for this you need to enter a written piece about your project or create a filmabout it and submit it between July and October.




From the regional Fairs, winners from each age catergory and each section (ie: engineerin or science). These winners then proceed to the National Finals. After the closing date of the online entries, judges will select those who they believe should go on to the National Finals.


The National Finals are held in March each year at The Big Bang: The UK National Young Scientists and Engineers Fair. Each project then showcases their work over a period of two days. The projects are showcased to over 60,000 people and each project is compting for a range of amazing prizes worth over £50,000, including international experience awards.

Getting Girls Interested in Physics.

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