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Getting Girls Interested in Physics. 


Personal Statement Resources:

Advice from Students to Students


As students ourselves, we have been through (and are still going through!) the yearly examinations that we all dread. However, there's enjoyment in knowing that your hard work throughtout the year can be shown in the exam that you take! We’ve found that these tips have helped us to get higher grades and to feel happy with our results:


  • Pay extra attention in class!

If there’s anything that you don’t understand, don’t be afraid to ask your teacher for help during or after the lesson (Its what they are there for).


  • Do further reading!

If a point is raised in class that sounded interesting you should definitely research about using the Internet! Knowing extra information will help you in your exam if you can relate it to the question.


  • Enjoy your subject!

When you enjoy your subject it'll make lessons,  homework and revising so much easier. We understand that there may be subjects that you dislike, but it's definitely worth paying that little bit of extra attention in class to get the grade that you know you're capable of! Once you finish your 5 years at secondary school, it's completely up to you whether you study further at college or say goodbye to the subject forever!


  • Look at your specification!

This sheet tells you everything that you need to know for your exams so make sure that you learn it all! You can find your specification |here|.


  • Practice lots!

Answering all the questions from your text books and notes will give you a very strong foundation to start to practice past papers.



        Have questions? Need help? 


This page features all sorts of great resources that you may need or find useful when persuing a career in physics or possibly even for other career paths. So, we have scoured the internet to find some of the best resources for some of life's most challenging and stressful situations.  Use the images to find the resources you need. 

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