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Astrobiology (also called exobiology) comprises the search for life beyond the Earth and the study of any such life that might be found. The search extends throughout the Solar System, particularly the planet Mars, which could well have developed life in its warmer and wetter early history, and Europa - one of the large satellites of Jupiter, which probably has an ocean under its icy carapace maintained by tidal heating from Jupiter. Saturn's large satellite Titan has a thick atmosphere that might resemble that of the Earth at about the time life was emerging here.


The search also extends beyond the Solar System. We have already discovered giant planets around over 100 stars, and as soon as planets of about the mass of the Earth are found in the habitable zones of their stars they will be investigated to see if they are potential or actual habitats. Space telescopes proposed for launch around 2015 would make such investigations, in particular the European Space Agency's Darwin and NASA's Terrestrial Planet Finder.


It is believed that the most likely form of extra-terrestrial life will have the same broad basis as life on Earth - complex carbon compounds and liquid water. Consequently astrobiology includes the study of life on Earth, particularly its origin and the wide range of habitats that it occupies, including 'extremophiles' that can live at temperatures over 100C and in other extreme conditions. This ensures that we are not overly narrow in our search for life elsewhere. Astrobiology is a rapidly growing, interdisciplinary area that is already one of the most exciting areas in science, and promises to remain so throughout this century.



Career Paths:



  • ...can offer you many opportunities for interdisciplinary teaching in areas such as biology, astronomy, oceanography, atmospheric science, chemistry, planetary science, and geology

  • ...Careers in these areas are also very possible if you wished to change your career

  • ...teaches skills that are easily transferable to many fields of science which includes cellular biology and astronomy.





This is only offered as a PhD requiring you to have a master’s degree preferably in chemistry, biology or physics related degree. A-levels should consist of biology and physics but maths and chemistry will assist you in your study.



Average salary:


NASA's pay scale for Astrobiologists is around £30,000 and £60,000 per year.

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