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Name of Competition:

Crest Award


Aim of competition:


CREST is a project-based awards scheme for the STEM subjects (science, technology, engineering and maths). hey provide an opportunity for students to explore real-world projects in an exciting way.


There are three different levels for the Crest Awards, they are: Bronze, Silver and Gold. Bronze Awards focus on fun, teamwork and transferable skills. They are typically completed by 11-14yr olds; around 10 hours of project work is expected. Students experience the project process; improving their enquiry, problem solving and communication skills.


Silver Awards stretch students and enrich their studies. They are typically completed by 14-16yr olds; around 30 hours of project work is expected. Suitable coursework (e.g. GCSE Design and Technology), project work for work related learning, and the new Diplomas could be used to achieve CREST Silver Awards.


Gold Awards allow the most able students to conduct some real research. They are typically completed by 16-19yr olds; these longer-term projects require around 70 hours work. Suitable coursework or project work for the new Diplomas and the EPQ can achieve CREST Gold Awards.


If you are interested:

 If you would like to find out more about these awards and how to achieve one, then please click on the link below to explore their website...


Crest Awards.

Getting Girls Interested in Physics.

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