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Name of Competition:

Google Science Fair 2014.

If you are interested in entering this competition, please take a look at the video below or check out their website by clicking on the link below...


The Google Science Fair 2014 



Age restrictions of participants:

Participants must be aged between 13 and 18 to be able to enter.



Aim of competition:


In this worldwide competition, students perform an in-depth investigation of a science question or engineering problem using sound scientific methods or engineering processes, and submit their project records online for judging. This year judges including a Nobel laureate and an astronaut will preside over the entries. Entry is free, students can work singly or in teams, and all that's required is a Google account and parental permission.  Submissions will close on April 30th 2013. This year students will be competing for prizes include hands-on experiences at Google, CERN or LEGO, scholarships, custom lego packs, grants for schools, and a grand prize of a 10-day trip to the Galapagos Islands

Getting Girls Interested in Physics.

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